WiFi Router Dangers

Wi-Fi makes your life easier. You can get online from a coffee shop or your living room. You are not tethered to a big computer that is physically linked to the Internet. But that convenience comes at a price.

Wi-Fi Dangers Made Worse by Cumulative Effect

Wireless routers – as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems – give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. This level is considered potentially dangerous to people. And the danger is compounded by several factors:

Just like the wireless signals themselves, the EMFs can pass through walls.

Most routers are not turned off at night, so you are exposed 24/7.

You are not only exposed to EMFs from your router. Did you ever search for a wireless signal and see not only your wireless network but also your neighbor’s and the one from the business down the street? All of them emit EMFs.

Increasingly, scientists and researchers are uncovering the health risks of EMFs. Depending on the level and the length of exposure, those risks can range from insomnia and headaches to tumors.

Here are a few tips to help protect you and your family from your WiFi router:

1.) Unplug

The majority of people do not unplug their router before they go to bed. When it comes to EMF protection, every little bit helps, and simply spending the extra few seconds to unplug your router from the wall, will go a long way in the long term. Well worth it!

2.) Hardwire

A bit old school, and a tad bit more inconvenient than wireless waves, however, you may want to consider using an ethernet cable from your router to your PC or laptop. Not only will you have a stronger and more stable internet connection, but you will also be reducing those dangerous EMFs!

3.) Boost Your Immune System

Try keeping your antioxidant levels up to fight oxidative damage caused by EMFs. Eat glutathione-boosting foods like garlic, onions, and other vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. Try taking a glutathione supplement, and combine it with other supplements that can help build glutathione.

4.) Get EMF Protection

Purahome contacted several EMF Protection companies and with all things considered from product diversity, research and testing, cost effectiveness, stability and quality, we chose SafeSpace from the USA to protect our family and our customers. We highly recommend using our SafeSpace EMF Protection products showcased here: https://www.purahome.com/products/emf-protection/emf-protection-devices

We offer a variety of EMF protection options including the SafeSpace EMF Home Adapter to protect your entire home, the SafeSpace II Pendant and the VitaPlex Pendant to protect your body wherever you go, the KidClip for protection of your children, the Smart Patch for your smartphone, and more!