How To Protect Yourself From Negative 5G And EMF Radiation

5G Technology and Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation have become a major concern today.

If you’re wondering what the rage is about, how this radiation may affect you, and possible ways to protect yourself, I wrote this article with you in mind.

But let’s back down a little and understand how the companies behind 5G are pushing their luck.

Bear in mind that for a company to excel in innovation, they have to lobby for laws in their own favor. There are times they focus on lobbying for the removal of laws or amendment. It all boils down to what appeals their wealthy board members, shareholders, and bottom line.

A lot of industries especially in the manufacturing, energy and wireless tech, pharmaceuticals, dairy, and the like, set billions of dollars aside annually to successfully shield their agendas and profit big time.

If you think that the government prioritizes your best interests, you might be wrong. If they do, why is there so much rush with respect to an unregulated 5G wireless infrastructure?

Since the government doesn’t care about you as much as you may think, it’s better to learn how to protect yourself from 5G and EMF radiation. We are very proud to have built up a comprehensive list of 5G and EMF Protection products in our online store.


How Does Tech Innovation Work?

Before an idea becomes a product and then a force to be reckoned with, it has to go through a series of processes at the backend.

Here’s a summary of how tech innovation works:

  1. Companies discover an idea or brainstorm products that are years ahead of their time.
  1. Once the companies file a patent, they seek the help of lobbyists to strategically plan their technology’s success, whether it’s unhealthy to the public or not.
  2. Technology is built quietly behind closed doors, testing is limited, the main focus is on generating profit.
  3. Through the secret lobbying, mutually self-serving deals, insane incentives, as well as secret payoffs, laws are bypassed and sometimes adulterated. The public has little or no choice in the matter. In the end, everybody else loses but the company.

Since our laws aren’t enacted to genuinely protect humanity from greed, and so much regulatory loopholes that glorify the corporation, technology companies and their agendas will continue to supersede people’s health for years to come.

If you have any questions, please contact us online

What are EMFs, and What Are the Dangers of 5G Radiation?

An Electromagnetic field or EMF is a field of force that’s generated when charged particles, equivalent to an electric field, such as electrons, are accelerated.

An electron is a subatomic particle that requires negative electricity to be charged. This is the concept behind electricity distribution throughout the world.

Within this charged field and the range of frequencies of radiation, we have the radiation spectrum. When we compare this radiation to the little spectrums of radio frequencies, 5G’s radiation is several times stronger.

What You Should Know About 5G Technology?

5G or 5th Generation technology is the latest trend in wireless systems, which involves higher speeds, larger channels, and the ability to sync several devices from one location.

With respect to EMFs, the presence of 5G in your neighborhood is equivalent to turning on a microwave oven in your kitchen and keeping the oven’s door wide open.

Imagine the spontaneous radiations we’ll have to contend with when 5G towers and mini-stations are being installed throughout every city and neighborhood, doesn’t it seem like we’re building a global microwave oven?

And don’t forget, these radiations are deadly. They can cause cancer just like microwaves do.

Sadly, the effects of 5G haven’t gone through major testing. However, over 180 scientists from around the world have already screamed, “Stop 5G. It could kill us.”

At the very least, 5G radiation in our neighborhoods can cause depression, skin infection, hair loss, nausea, and even confusion. And it’s not going to stop there, 5G will eventually evolve into 10G, and so on.

The blame isn’t entirely on these futuristic technology companies, our individual and collective quest for new features on our devices have brought us here as well.

To view all of our 5G protection products, click here

How to Protect Yourself From 5G

The average person can’t do anything about 5G technology companies because they’re more powerful, to say the least, but we can at least prepare to be protected from these radioactive frequencies.

Yes, we can actually mitigate EMFs and their negative effects on our health.

Here are proven ways you can protect yourself from this 5G radiation:

1). Tech Time-out: Yes I know a lot of people will falter at this. “How in the world will I stop using my cell phone,” you say? No, you don’t have to completely stop using it, but stop using your cell phone for long periods of time, and try not to keep it in your bedroom at all. As much as possible, keep your Smartphones and Tablets 5 to 10 feet away from you.

2). Purchase EMF Protection Products: These job specific products from a company that we love called SafeSpace are important for at-the-surface protection from EMF radiation. Research all the daily products you use which are in this category, learn to protect yourself from this radiation

Purahome chose to partner with SafeSpace for EMF protection for several reasons such as their scientific knowledge, testing, product diversity and cost effectiveness. To protect against 5G and other EMFs in your home, the EMF Home Adaptor is recommended.

The Home Adaptor will correct the 5G or 4G signal going to devices like a tablet in your home. It will not fully protect against fields originating out of your home (such as the neighboring routers and cell towers). To protect your body from EMFs outside of your home, one of the Safe Space pendants below is recommended. 

For more EMF protection products, check out our page.

Want to know more details about protecting yourself and your family from EMF radiation?

3). Stay Educated: What you know will likely set you free in the days of trouble. That’s why it’s important to continually update yourself about the wireless industry and how much the government is interested in humanity and the planet, not in powerful lobbyists.

4). Stay Out of Fear & Be Proactive: You have to shield your mind from fear, remain resolute, positive, and strong. Why? Because you can actually improve your vibration through positive thinking pattern, cheerfulness, forgiveness, and with an improved focus toward mental, emotional, and physical health.

5). Grow Your Own Food: Growing our own food is a good way to improve vibrations since the food comes from our soil. Our vibrations are similar to electromagnetic fields because they generate fields of energy, as well as positive light that dwells and surrounds our bodies, which can shield us.

Many food scientists have advocated that we swing the pendulum to the other way. That is, we must decide to break our dependencies on manufactured and synthetic food. It’s time to grow our own lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, fruit, and more.

In the words of Amma, The Hugging Saint, “To start, learn to grow enough food for one day per week. Over time, you can learn to do more.”

6). Enjoy Superfoods: According to Peter Economy, “Superfoods are nutrient-rich and a catalyst for good health and overall well-being.” If you want your body to protect itself from 5G radiation, you need to be able to quicken and improve your body’s ability to do so. Hence, you should eat superfoods.

Some of the nutrient-rich vegetables like legumes, nuts and seeds: collard greens, turnip greens, spinach, raspberries, kale, Swiss chard, green tea, eggs, turmeric, garlic, strawberries, blueberries, lentils, peas, alfalfa, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, kefir, yogurt, hemp seeds, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, seaweed, etc.

7). Eat Sunlight: In our fast-paced society, it’s easy to forget the richness in sunlight and how it improves our overall health. In addition to Vitamin D, we can drastically improve our immune systems and get more energy with super powders and supergrasses.

These are saturated with anti-inflammatory and properties. You can use any of the ones below; then monitor their effects on your physical and emotional bodies: Barley grass, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Alfalfa herb, Moringa, and Spirulina.

Don’t underestimate the power of their nutrients, as they can quickly improve our health and vibrations.

8). Embrace Love: Another way to protect yourself from 5G radiation and EMFs is by loving yourself and family. You may not know the effect of love yet, but research by Arizona State University shows that love improves our general health.

More importantly, love can protect us from negative energy and darkness associated with EMFs.

9). Earthing: Earthing is often ignored but it can be powerful when you’re looking to protect yourself from 5G radiation and EMFs. In other words, “be an extension of the earth, not separate from it.”

Make a decision to spend at least 3 hours in a nearby forest every other week. Why? Because trees absorb our negative energies, connects us to nature, improve our immune systems, and nourish our hearts and souls.

Interestingly, when you hug a tree and walk barefoot in the foods, gently matching dry leaves, you’re in for a heavy boost in your health, mind, attitude, thoughts, and intentions, as quite possibly, your current life-trajectory.

It’s good to connect with the earth in such a way, as it nourishes our meridians and electromagnetic systems, which is powerful enough to protect and empower us.

If you seem to not have as much time to spend in nature, we do carry earthing products here at Purahome.

The concept of Earthing is this…

The research indicates that Earthing transfers negatively charged free electrons into the body that are present in a virtually limitless and continuously renewed supply on the surface of the Earth. The existence of this unseen electron “reservoir” has been established by science. Maintaining contact with the ground allows your body to naturally receive and become charged with these electrons. When thus “grounded,” any electron deficiencies and free radical excesses in the body are corrected.

A natural electrical state is restored. Electrons are the “object of affection,” so to speak, of positively charged free radicals, the biochemical agents that cause oxidation in the body. Electrons are the source of antioxidant power. This influx of electrons from the ground serves to potently neutralize or quench free radicals that would otherwise steal electrons from healthy tissue, activity resulting in tissue damage and chronic inflammation that is at the core of many common and serious diseases.

Watch this video from our YouTube channel to learn more about what Earthing is:

At Purahome, we offer a variety of options for Earthing/Grounding.

Try our Earthing Purahome Pura-Pack! Includes an Earthing sleep mat, universal/desk mat, and a body band kit. 


Connect with the earth to restore the loss of electrons to the body while at work, in the home, or anywhere you go. For more of our earthing products,

10). Choose Where You Live: Where you live in this radiation-prone planet matters now than ever before. As much as you can, do not build a house or rent one near a cell tower or mini-station. According to The Healthy Home Economists, a distance of 1,000 feet (400m) is ideal.

Essentially, be involved in local politics. This will inspire you to learn more about the potentially dangerous plans your city council may have in store for you.


5G technology and EMFs may eventually come if the government fails to see the impending dangers they would cause.

Challenge yourself to continually learn, become proactive, and self-sufficient.

If these become our daily pursuits, we can drastically minimize our dependencies on corporate and government systems, which, in turn, would affect their profits and reduce our personal expenses. 

Click here to order 5g protection products today!


Credits go to:

Paul Wagner

Intuitive-Empath & 5-Time EMMY Winning Writer

Posted in EMF