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SafeSpace GeoResonators

Purahome Rating:
Purahome Power Points:
• Full-color spectrum that supports life processes
• Energy imprints of 64 minerals resonant with earth minerals
• Geomagnetic earth pattern to balance soil and land
• Patterns to support atmospheric balance and earth protection
• 2" x 2" pack of four

Each 2-inch-square GeoResonator is encoded with a comprehensive program of transformative subtle energies that resonate with the elements of the earth and atmosphere to clear geopathic stress and other toxins and create a balancing and healing effect in the soil, plants, trees and waterways. The transformed earth energy also imprints into conductive materials such as metal, concrete and brick structures in and above the ground.
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About GeoResonators

Geopathic Stress is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and its wavelength becomes distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The wavelengths of the natural radiation disturbed in this way become harmful to living organisms.

Geopathic stress has been found to be the common factor in many serious and minor illnesses and psychological conditions, especially those conditions in which the immune system is severely compromised. Geopathic zones can also be man-made.

Electropathological energy created by modern technology can contribute to geopathic stress in the form of high and low frequency energy from telecommunication towers, electricity pylons, transformers, radar and radio towers, satellite towers, electric street poles and cell towers. Using GeoResonators around these fields will help to counter the toxic effect.

EMFs from Underground Pipes

You probably don’t think about the risk of electromagnetic radiation from the water lines into your home. After all, what is electric about that? But scientists have found that water lines can cause a significant EMF risk.

Pipes Can Conduct EMFs

If you have metal pipes – and you probably do – they can become conductors of electricity from a variety of sources such as poorly grounded power lines. You won’t get an electrical shock because your water system is designed to prevent that. But your pipes can become what scientists call conductive, creating significant EMFs.

Often, poorly grounded power lines produce ground current. This chaotic, unbalanced current creates a powerful magnetic field that can cover a surprisingly wide area.

Ground current means the current that flows along buried metallic water pipes (whether water is flowing through them or not). Buried metal pipes act like antennae for these sorts of fields.

A growing body of research identifies the risks of EMFs from pipes. Some are relatively minor, such as headaches and fatigue. But others can be deadly serious. For example, in a study called “Childhood Cancer in Relation to Indicators of Magnetic Fields from Ground Current Sources,” scientists noted that “The associations of cancer with conductive plumbing suggest that cancer risk is increased among persons with elevated magnetic field exposure from residential ground currents.” (Nancy Wertheimer, David A. Savitz, Ed Leeper, 1994, Wiley InterScience).


These are a great solution for clearing and balancing the earth’s energy in yards, farms, parks and neighborhoods. Because toxic earth radiation can have a negative impact outside as well as inside, GeoResonators offer an important level of protection. Each patch carries an energetic pattern that resonates with earth energy to help neutralize pollution, restore balance and support healthy biological process in the land.  They clear geopathic stress zones and, when planted in the four corners of an area, they immediately resonate with each other, infusing the treated area with a healing, life-supporting energy field.

Size: 2” x 2” four per pack
Range: Radiates a corrective transformative field within the matrix of four
Maximum distance: Can be planted two acres or up to a half mile apart

Protect Against Geopathic Stress

Each 2-inch-square GeoResonator is encoded with a comprehensive program of transformative subtle energies that resonate with the elements of the earth and atmosphere to clear geopathic stress and other toxins and create a balancing and healing effect in the soil, plants, trees and waterways. The transformed earth energy also imprints into conductive materials such as metal, concrete and brick structures in and above the ground. The positive effects on the underground environment can include:

    • Full-color spectrum that supports life processes
    • Energy imprints of 64 minerals resonant with earth minerals
    • Geomagnetic earth pattern to balance soil and land
    • Patterns to support atmospheric balance and earth protection

Setting Up the Field

You should plant four GeoResonators in a matrix; you can plant them up to a half-mile apart. You can plant more GeoResonators beyond the original matrix to extend the size of the area being treated. You also can use a single GeoResonator on a sick tree or garden, or plant GeoResonators in small waterways, brooks and ponds.

Plant GeoResonators (GRs) around your home, your neighborhood or specific toxic areas to transform and energy balance your environment.

Each planting of GRs will extend the vibration to the next location if its within a half mile.The area within the matrix of GRs will be harmonized.

How to Use GeoResonators

GeoResonators (GRs) are used in groups of 4 to create an energy matrix of any shape. The GRs immediately resonate with each other infusing the treated area (within the matrix) with a healing, life supporting energy field. Planting extra GR tiles will extend the vibration to the next location (@ maximum distance of 1 acre beyond planted tiles).

Create a 4” to 6” deep slot in the earth with a trowel and drop the GR tile vertically into this slot, without removing the plastic casing. The GeoResonators do not need to be buried horizontally. The direction the holographic pattern faces is not important.

Setting up a matirx of GRs at the corners of one’s property will correct toxic geopathic emissions within this matrix. This will help to convert any toxic earth radiation emitted from the ground under the building impacting the rooms above. GeoResonators are also ideal for park lands and wooded areas. Planting GeoResonators at the base of larger trees can strengthen and help spread the
GR effect.

Dropping a GeoResonator in a pond, marsh land or in a small inland waterway can help energize the water as well as carry the vibration outside of the matrix to positively influence a much larger area. A weight may be needed to help sink the GeoResonator to the bottom of the pond or waterway.

Planting a GeoResonator near healthy large trees will amplify the pattern into the area. Planting a single GeoResonator at the roots of a sick tree, bush or plant will help clear toxins and strengthen the life force.

To help harmonize toxic electromagnetic (EM) stress fields from cell towers or electric substations plant GeoResonators to create a correction matrix around the toxic area. 4 GR tiles can be positioned within 1 acre around the toxic site. Once the higher harmonics builds up in the earth it will help to clear and neutralize the toxic EM fields.


    EMF Testing on all SafeSpace Devices

    No current EMF meter is sensitive enough to measure the effect of Safe Space devices on an electromagnetic field. Testing can be used to show the changed field effects on the body. This is why Safe Space uses DNA and qualitative testing. Please do not test the products without understanding these principles. Safe Space products have a 30-day return policy.

    Proven Protection


    Testing research shows the benefits of SafeSpace products. For example, data have shown that electromagnetic radiation can have a harmful effect on DNA. Independent laboratory testing shows that SafeSpace technology not only can stop the damage, but it can actually improve DNA recovery:

    “The SafeSpace technology more than completely reversed the damaging effects of EMF radiation. on the DNA…the conductivity values were enhanced above normal…” Glen Rein, Ph.D., Director of Quantum Biology Research Labs

    SafeSpace Product Effectiveness Proven Through Quantitative & Qualitative Testing

    Quantitative testing

    Using a range of measurement scales we are able to scientifically analyze how the SafeSpace products interact with environments, objects and biological organisms. Independent clinical and laboratory testing using DNA Testing, Heart Rate Variability and Bioresonance Testing have shown the effectiveness of the SafeSpace products on the human body as well as the environment.

    Qualitative testing

    To test our impact on the field itself, we also utilize qualitative testing. This type of testing method is often used by holistic health providers to detect changes on higher subtle energy planes—changes that current scientific instrumentation, with its focus on the impact of electromagnetic fields, cannot yet measure.

    Testing SafeSpace products on DNA

    Documented research has shown that changes in DNA biochemistry that arise from interactions with EMFs can lead to serious illnesses. DNA deterioration and mutation, of course, has been connected to numerous cancers. EMFs from cell phones have been shown not only to impair DNA's ability to unwind, but to actually cause DNA to unwind further.

    Testing the SafeSpace Smart Patch

    Quantum Biology Labs, an independent facility with an outstanding national reputation, tested the SafeSpace Smart Patch on actual human DNA. Prolonged use of an unprotected phone resulted in DNA deterioration. But when the SafeSpace Smart patch was attached to the phone, this harmful effect was completely neutralized. In fact, DNA rewinding was enhanced. In other words, the SafeSpace product had a beneficial biological effect on DNA.


    “Not only was the detrimental effect of electromagnetic (EM) energy completely neutralized when the SafeSpace Smart Patch was attached to the cell phone… the DNA rewinding process was enhanced.” Glen Rein, Ph.D., Quantum Biology Research Labs

    Testing the SafeSpace Home / Office Adapter

    Research has also shown that electromagnetic radiation from electrical circuitry and routers in homes and offices inhibits the electrical properties of DNA. The SafeSpace Home / Office Adapter has been shown to not only reverse DNA damage, but to improve the DNA.

    “The SafeSpace Home Office Adapter more than completely reversed the damaging effects from radiation in the electric circuit. Testing showed SafeSpace restored and enhanced the conductivity values of the DNA above the original control value.” Quantum Biology Research Labs

    HRV testing

    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing has shown the effectiveness of SafeSpace products in supporting the body’s ability to stay balanced against a variety of stress fields.

    The health of the entire body can be determined by analyzing the length of time between each heartbeat. The difference in time between each heartbeat is referred to as heart rate variability (HRV). Like a fingerprint, each individual's heart rate variability is unique. This "fingerprint" reflects all of the fluctuating neurological, immunological and hormonal processes that occur in a human body.

    A decrease in HRV is seen as reliable indicator for many common diseases, which is why so many doctors use HRV analysis to help detect disorders in their earliest stages.

    VitaPlex effectiveness shown with HRV

    HRV testing was used to test the energetic effect of the VitaPlex pendant on the body,

    “Based on my personal experience from using the VitaPlex and the consistent test results I’ve seen, I feel the VitaPlex Pendant is the most effective, most adaptable and simplest tool one can use for the maintenance of health and well-being.” Dr. Michael Nokken MN

    Testing the Smart Patch with HRV

    HRV testing also showed that the EMFs produced by cell phones can decrease heart function. But when the SafeSpace Smart Patch was used, heart function actually increased, demonstrating that the device neutralized EMF disturbance.

    Autonomic Response Testing (ART)

    ART testing of SafeSpace products has shown their effectiveness in neutralizing EMF’s harmful health effects.

    ART is the only system of manual muscle testing to be advocated by some of the world's leading brain researchers and neurologists. Leading neurologists have coined ART as the only true biofeedback tool because no external devices are used on the body.

    ART can easily detect the beginnings of imbalance by observing changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity as shown by manual muscle testing. Autonomic Response Testing uses recent advancements in heart and brain research to interpret the day-to-day functional health of the human body.


    Kinesiological testing of the SafeSpace products has repeatedly shown that the energy flow to the muscles strengthens dramatically. A balancing and strengthening effect on the glands and other systems of the body also occurs.

    Kinesiology, which is the study of the body movement and muscle response, effectively indicates where blocks and imbalances are impairing physical, emotional or energetic well-being.

    There are many factors in the environment which can interfere with the flow of vital force or energy through our electrical bodies, consequently causing weakness on a muscle test. The testing of the relative energy available to muscles -- which is also associated with the energy flow through the body (meridians) -- allows the kinesiologist to assess a subject's energy level and determine ways to promote healthy flow. Kinesiological testing has shown that stress, emotional blockages and toxins can detrimentally affect the glands and organs, as well as other systems.

    Bioresonance testing

    Bioresonance testing was used to evaluate stress patterns in the body created by typical cell phone usage. To test the effectiveness of the SafeSpace Smart patch, Dr. Michael Nokken used bioresonance testing on test subjects before using a cell phone, while using a cell phone, and then while using a cell phone equipped with the Smart patch product.

    In most cases, the stress patterns were increased by cell phone usage. But use of the SafeSpace Smart Patch was shown to neutralize EMF disturbance created by the cell phones. In fact, the SafeSpace Patch had an overall balancing and strengthening effect on the body, and readings were typically healthier than the original test using no phone whatsoever.

    Qualitative testing – measuring invisible fields

    To test our impact on the subtler energetic aspect of the body and the environment, we also utilize qualitative testing. This type of testing method is often used by holistic health providers to detect changes that current scientific instrumentation that focusses on gross electromagnetic quantity, cannot yet measure.

    At a certain level, all life is composed of energy; vibrations are constantly being generated, transmitted and received. All frequencies have their own relationship and harmonic signatures. In qualitative testing, the interaction of these subtle fields can be measured.

    Qualitative measurement allows us to analyze and understand the subtle energetic impacts of SafeSpace products on the environment and people. Tools designed to function as extensions of the human energy system are used for detection and measurement of specific qualities. Based on the principle of selective resonance, the tools help the researcher to focus on whatever aspect is being tested. This process also helps the researcher to observe a multidimensional effect.


    How Do These Technologies Work?  How Do We Know They're Effective?


    We're dedicated to bringing our discoveries out of the laboratory and into people's everyday lives. The realm of healing and subtle energy is an area of incredible innovation and promise. But it’s also a space filled with confusing and dubious claims, so it’s important to ask questions and seek proof.

    When you're talking about invisible things like electromagnetic fields and radiation, it can be hard to understand how our EMF solutions work. With our proprietary technology, subtle energy patterns are permanently programmed into a range of protection products, each addressing EMFs and other toxins for specific situations. Here you'll find detailed descriptions of how our technology is designed and how it works to keep you and your environment safe.

    How Do the SafeSpace Products Work?

    SafeSpace products work by altering the quality of a field (rather than its quantity, or strength). How does this happen? To explain that, we first need to explain a few key concepts:

    Repatterning particles changes the quality of a field -

    That’s what William A. Tiller, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University discovered. According to Tiller’s research, unpolarized particles — photons and electrons from EMFs — have a chaotic and disordering effect on our cells as they pass through our bodies, resulting in tissue damage over time.

    He observed, however, that when unpolarized particles are repatterned to be ordered and polarized rather than chaotic and unpolarized, they are no longer harmful. This is called the coherent polarizing field effect. Simply put, when the charged particles in an EMF are repatterned, the entire EMF field is repatterned and the ill effects are neutralized without having to weaken or eliminate the field itself.

    Subtle energies are “'super-physical energies” — that is, energies beyond our five physical senses. Subatomic and electromagnetic energy are well-known examples of subtle energies that we do not perceive with our senses. 

    Subtle energy is considered a part of our physical world, but it is a subtler dimension than our world of solids, liquids and gases. Much of Tiller’s work focused on the properties of subtle energies.

    Energy fields interact and affect each other

    Physics shows us that all things are energy and that the universe is like a gradient of vibrations, or energies, ranging from finer, higher-frequency energies to denser, lower energies.

    Just as an EMF can influence the physical human body, certain subtle energies can influence certain EMFs. Specifically, a subtle energy that is coherent and “senior” to a specific EMF can influence it.

    Theories in advanced physics postulate a subtle energy is senior to all other energies. In the quantum level, this “unmanifest energy” is a fluid and mutable field of “information” that is constantly exchanging and redistributing energy. This type of energy is the most senior subtle energy of all, with the ability to pervade and affect all other levels of energy.

    Coherent and senior subtle energies can influence EMFs via the EMFs’ own carrier waves. All EMFs are essentially carrier waves that carry information, which is precisely why they are so useful in communication. Imagine the way a radio broadcast disseminates information in all directions from a single point. Introducing a senior subtle energy onto an EMF’s carrier wave will broadcast that energy’s information throughout the field.

    Encoded energy patterns change EMF carrier waves

    When the coherent pattern of a senior subtle energy is placed on a carrier wave, that carrier wave’s pattern is spread — overriding the toxic EMF effect and creating a benign effect. This creates the coherent polarizing field effect discovered by Tiller.

    Thanks to carrier waves, when the charged particles are repatterned, the entire EMF field is repatterned. Result: The ill effects are neutralized without having to eliminate the field itself.

    Through this repatterning process, SafeSpace products add qualitative energy-balancing patterns to electromagnetic carrier waves, alongside whatever other information the waves are carrying.

    The heart of SafeSpace: storing and transferring information

    SafeSpace products store information — in the form of subtle energy patterns — in a variety of "carrier" materials, primarily holograms. The stored information on the products disseminate onto the carrier waves of harmful EMFs. But how do these subtle energy patterns actually get incorporated into the SafeSpace carrier material? To understand the process, it is helpful to look at other information storage devices around your home, such as magnetic tape or music CDs.

    The example of music CDs

    Music, in the form of information, is transferred onto the surface of a CD by means of a laser, which is a form of light. Lasers are considered "coherent light" because all the particles or waves are aligned and moving in the same coherent pattern. When those coherent light waves come into contact with the surface of a blank CD, the information is deposited onto it, ready to be transferred off by means of other waves: the lasers inside a CD player, which read and transform the information on the CD into coherent sound waves.

    A proprietary encoding process

    SafeSpace products are encoded with the polarizing pattern of very senior subtle energies. During this proprietary process, the surface of the carrier material is brought into contact with the benign, polarizing and healing pattern of a highly senior subtle energy, and the carrier material is structurally modified on a sub-atomic or subtle level.

    Once a SafeSpace product is encoded or programmed, it can radiate this coherent energy pattern, that has a variety of positive effects, depending on the specific use.

    Products set up a "corrective resonance"

    The SafeSpace products set up a corrective resonance, thereby restoring coherence and balance. SafeSpace products are passive devices using no electronic circuitry, so they never wear out or need to be cleaned or recharged. And unlike energy devices that absorb and retain the "energetic signatures" of fields they encounter, SafeSpace products literally repattern those fields, rendering them harmless.

    Vibrations customized to the user

    Some of our products are designed to be worn or carried on the body. When it comes to personal devices like these, our research has shown that variability and change are key to moving energy effectively.

    Many of today’s energy technologies use a constant repetition of a single energy pattern. This can be ineffective over time because the human bodyis constantly changing, not existing in stasis. SafeSpace technology uses energy patterns that supply change as needed, moving you through gentle energy challenges and responses and then onto broader ranges of patterns if required. In this way, our devices provide the body with a wide spectrum of balancing frequencies.

    SafeSpace personal technologies interact with the body’s constantly changing condition and need to reach equilibrium. When you use a SafeSpace product, an energy exchange occurs through the energetic structure or field. An energy "program" is progressively pulsed into your energy field to counterbalance and harmonize imbalanced energies. The energetic repatterning that occurs is influenced by the individual energetic needs of the "receiver", you!

    The principle of resonance

    Understanding the principle of resonance will also help to explain how this interaction occurs. When there are areas within the body that radiate in the same "wave pattern" of your SafeSpace product, resonance occurs and that area of the body absorbs the subtle pattern. Only the informational contents that are missing or needed in the body will resonate and be "picked up" from the product.

    As the SafeSpace energy pattern resonates with the subtle energies of the body, it circulates over the body, creating a balancing effect where needed.

    These life-enhancing energy patterns influence the flow of the life force or energy through the meridians as well as other body energy circuits. This process neutralizes negative biological effects and creates a more coherent energy field, resulting in greater well-being on an emotional, mental and physical level.


    Customer Reviews

    We planted several GeoResonators around an area that had cell towers and around our home with smart meters around us that were bothering us. Now the fields are calm and not disturbing as they had been. The GeoResonators are quite amazing at calming down the whole neighborhood, smart meters, wi-fi, high tension electrical wires and electrical boxes that are placed every other home.
    S. Broderick, FL

    Wow what a difference in our neighborhood after planting the GeoResonators. Our property is filled with benevolent energy and we noticed a lot of the birds have returned.
    Stan Kalson, MA

    The GeoResonators we planted around our property is helping. I do feel calmer and the physical symptoms; like chest heaviness and poor sleep have changed. It is so amazing how much we have been helped.
    D Palone, Palm Coast FL

    We put four GeoResonators on the four corners of our yard — we were thinking about our kids, who spend all day out there…we saw this as extra protection, because we live in a pretty built up area. We noticed that...more kids would come play here than ever before (we were suddenly the fun yard!). (Also) our flower garden produced twice the blooms. We don’t like using chemical fertilizers, and I swear, I thought somebody had put some in without my knowing until we realized it was probably your device. I have been telling everybody about this product. Thank you!
    CL, Idaho


    Understanding EMF

    Could you please define EMF?

    EMF is the abbreviation for electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs — invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation that take the form of waves.

    What types of electromagnetic energy surround us?

    Natural EMFs: The earth produces an electromagnetic field (EMF), as does the human body. These are also known as extremely low frequency ELFs. In fact, scientific research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own EMF, helping to regulate important functions and keep you healthy. Natural EMFs or ELFs are low in intensity; for example, a healthy human body resonates with the earth's magnetic field at around 10 hertz.

    Artificial EMFs: Man-made products or technologies — from hairdryers and cell phones to high-voltage wires — create powerful EMFs. These strong EMFs have been shown to disturb the human body’s natural energetic field. We’re exposed to 100 million times greater artificial EMF radiation than our grandparents were, and that exposure grows each year.

    There are two parts to an electromagnetic field (EMF): an electric field and a magnetic field.

    The electric field is:

    Created by electric charge or voltage, that is, the energy of the electricity.
    Always there when an appliance is plugged in, even if the appliance is turned off.
    Able to be shielded or blocked by metal housing and other barriers.
    Measured by frequency in units of hertz (or cycles per second).

    The magnetic field is:

    Created by moving electric charges, that is electric current.
    Only there when the appliance is operating, that is, when current is flowing.
    Hard to shield: can penetrate steel, concrete and human bodies. Human bodies have the same permeability as air when it comes to magnetic fields, which is why x-rays work on people.
    More powerful when the electrical current that creates it increases in strength. 
    Measured in units of gauss (G) or milliGauss (mG), which is one-thousandth of a gauss.

    Where are SafeSpace products made?

    All the energetics and R&D testing that make our products work is done in the United States. We are dedicated to working with U.S. manufacturers whenever possible. Across our product lines, the component materials for our products are made in the United States. All final assembly, packaging and distribution are done in the United States.

    What happens after planting?

    Once the area is energy balanced, the transformed earth energy imprints into conductive materials such as metal, concrete and brick structures in and above the ground. More GeoResonators can be planted beyond the original matrix to extend the effect out over larger geographic areas. Single GeoResonators can also be used on sick plants, trees, or in gardens. Planting them in small waterways, brooks and ponds is also suggested.

    How they protect you from geopathic stress zones:

    GeoResonators are designed to influence and interact with all types of energy fields found in the earth and soil. They are particularly effective in clearing geopathic stress zones and toxic electromagnetic waves from ground current.

    Can you extend that matrix?

    Yes, you can plant additional GeoResonators beyond the original matrix to extend the size of the area you are protecting.

    What is the range of the GeoResonator?

    You can plant your matrix with as much as a half-mile between GeoResonators. The more nature in the area the stronger the immediate influence will be.

    How do you use the GeoResonator?

    You plant the GeoResonator in a matrix in the four corners of the area you want to clear. You also can plant a single GeoResonator near a sick tree or plant, or in a small waterway.

    What does the GeoResonator do?

    The GeoResonator contains several harmonizing and resonant patterns that transfer to the earth when planted including:

    Full-color spectrum that supports life processes
    Energy imprints of 64 minerals associated with the periodic table
    Geomagnetic earth patterns to balance the soil and land
    Patterns to support atmospheric balance.

    How do the GeoResonators work?

    Each GeoResonator is encoded with a comprehensive program of transformative subtle energies that resonate with the elements of the earth and atmosphere. Because they resonate with each other, setting up a matrix of four is suggested. Once planted, everything they influence is positively affected and potentially transformed. Toxic vibrations in the earth are transmuted and the natural life force is restored.

    Can GeoResonators be used inside the house, or do they need to be planted in the ground to be effective?

    The most effective way to use GeoResonators is to plant them in the ground outside; they are most effective when interacting directly with the earth. When planted in the earth a profound balancing and healing effect occurs in the soil, plants, trees and waterways.

    Can I use two or more Safe Space products together, or do they cancel each other out?

    All SafeSpace products are designed to provide a specific kind of protection. Because they are based on the same principles of subtle energy and harmonic resonance, the products never conflict or cancel each other out, and they can be used together for added protection.

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    1. Its like a protective invisible shield surrounding my home!
      I was intrigued by the Georesonators and immediately learned more about them. I love the idea that my property and home are protected in this way. It's like I put up an invisible wall around the perimeter of my home. I also have a vegetable garden and I strongly believe that the flowers, trees and my vegetables (like us humans) are also negatively affected by EMFs so they too greatly benefit from this protection.

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    2. Helped my plants!
      I installed the Georesonators on my property and I have definitely noticed a difference. One of my flowering bushes that I typically only get a hand full of blooms annually is completely covered in purple flowers! Another bush I have has always remained green but is now covered with beautiful white blooms. It is funny because I didn’t realize this was a flowering bush! Thank you Georesonators!

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    3. Rating
      We put four GeoResonators on the four corners of our yard — we were thinking about our kids, who spend all day out there…we saw this as extra protection, because we live in a pretty built up area. We noticed that...more kids would come play here than ever before (we were suddenly the fun yard!). (Also) our flower garden produced twice the blooms. We don’t like using chemical fertilizers, and I swear, I thought somebody had put some in without my knowing until we realized it was probably your device. I have been telling everybody about this product. Thank you!

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    4. Rating
      The GeoResonators we planted around our property is helping. I do feel calmer and the physical symptoms; like chest heaviness and poor sleep have changed. It is so amazing how much we have been helped.

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    5. Rating
      Wow what a difference in our neighborhood after planting the GeoResonators. Our property is filled with benevolent energy and we noticed a lot of the birds have returned.

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    6. Rating
      We planted several GeoResonators around an area that had cell towers and around our home with smart meters around us that were bothering us. Now the fields are calm and not disturbing as they had been. The GeoResonators are quite amazing at calming down the whole neighborhood, smart meters, wi-fi, high tension electrical wires and electrical boxes that are placed every other home.

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