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Water Contaminants

People associate bad taste and odours with unhealthy water, but truth is, most harmful contaminants are odourless. Therefore, trust science to reduce your exposure to contaminants, and not your taste buds. Our water quality is at the mercy of aging water treatment plants, aging infrastructure delivery systems that are not sealed, water treatment chemicals such as chlorine, disinfection by-products such as chloroform, volatile organics such as man-made cleaners and solvents, synthetic organics such as pesticides, lead and other heavy metals, and the emerging classes such as pharmaceuticals that include endocrine disruptors, steroids and antibiotics. Purahome offers Aquaspace technology, the highest calibre of water filtration based on NASA technology. Aquaspace Systems are NASA-inspired and highly effective at reducing your exposure to broad spectrum waterborne contaminants while leaving in the beneficial minerals for improved health!

Click here for a full list of Contaminants Reduced by Aquaspace Water Filters.

Click here to read more about how the World Health Organization links minerals to health.

Replacement Filters and media for all water purification systems are also available.

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