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The World Health Organization symposium “Nutrients in Drinking Water” with over 50 years of ongoing data presented that “sufficient evidence is now available to confirm the health consequences from drinking water deficient in calcium or magnesium.” Click here to read more about how the World Health Organization links minerals to health. Many studies show both an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden death from cardiovascular disease in relation to low magnesium levels in drinking demineralised water. Purahome’s alkaline water systems are NASA-inspired and highly effective at reducing your exposure to broad spectrum contaminants while leaving in the beneficial minerals for improved health! Click here for a full list of Contaminants Reduced by Aquaspace Water Filters. Structured water through vitalizing or microclustering also leaves in beneficial minerals and further helps by enhancing absorption of these minerals.

Replacement Filters and media for all water purification systems are also available.

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