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Ground Therapy Body Band

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Purahome Power Points:
• Earthing is the most natural, powerful anti-oxidant we know of
• Earthing restores and maintains the human body’s most natural electrical state
• Promotes optimum health and functionality in daily life
• Earthing is the ultimate anti-inflammatory and ultimate anti-aging natural medicine

Earthing is remarkably holistic. It affects the whole body, as it impacts inflammation, blood, the immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and the body's countless electrical systems.

The Body Band is adjustable from 8.25" to 11".

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To get an idea of the impact of inflammation on health, it’s important to see that in the last 50 years, there has been a dramatic increase in scientific studies on inflammation – now approaching 30,000 a year!!!  Inflammation is thereby being revealed as a critical link between our lifestyle and the soaring global increase of chronic diseases – the biggest health problems both in terms of cost and human suffering. “Earthing” restores and maintains the human body’s most natural electrical state, which in turn promotes optimum health and functionality in daily life. The natural energy and electrons emanating from the Earth is the ultimate anti-inflammatory and the ultimate anti-aging medicine.



“Earthing” or “Grounding” seems to do away with or dramatically improve so many health challenges common today: insomnia, the chronic pain of multiple diseases and injuries, exhaustion, stress, anxiety, and premature aging.



We regard Earthing as a genuine missing link to health! It is simple, basic, and powerful. Earthing has astounding potential to do much good for humanity. Connecting to the Earth—either by being barefoot outside or in contact with a grounded device inside—doesn’t cure you of any disease or condition. What it does do is reunite you with the natural electrical signals and charge from the Earth that govern all living organisms dwelling on it. It restores your body’s natural internal electrical stability and rhythms, which in turn promote normal functioning of body systems, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and immune systems. It remedies our electron deficiency to reduce inflammation—the common cause of disease. It shifts the nervous system from a stress- dominated mode to one of calmness and you sleep better. By reconnecting, you enable your body to return to its normal electrical state, and therefore better able to self-regulate and self-heal.



Earthing is both a timeless practice and a modern discovery.  It simply means living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge or "being grounded" which naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body.  This effect has massive health implications because of the strong link between chronic inflammation and virtually all chronic disease, including the the aging process itself.



All of us live immersed in an unseen sea of human-generated electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs that are not natural. They are harmful to humans and cause perturbations in our bodies resulting in an artificial voltage or inflammation. The EMF’s are everywhere—in our houses, workplaces, and outdoors—primarily produced by the electrical power grid. In North America, the grid produces EMFs vibrating at 60 Hz. Existing wires inside the walls produce EMFs even when appliances are not connected. The potential for interference in our bodies varies from person to person and in different locations, depending on the intensity of the fields. Within an ungrounded body, electrons and other charged particles react with the EMFs present in the immediate environment producing unnatural perturbations. HOWEVER, when you are grounded, the Earth's electrons shield you from these perturbations.

What most people don’t realize is that if you sleep with a lamp, clock, or radio next to your bed, the electric field from the wires will extend out to your body, even if the appliances are turned off. The inflammation in a person’s body due to man-made frequencies can be measured with a voltmeter. The higher the voltage measured, the greater the inflammation. Where do people suffer the most inflammation in their homes from harmful manmade frequencies? In their bedrooms! In the bedrooms of our customers and study subjects, their average body voltage (when not grounded) was about 3.3 volts!. The level was significantly reduced to almost zero (averaging 0.007 volts), when people slept on the grounded bed sheets.

This is further supported by the findings of a team of researchers from the Imperial College in London and the University of Washington’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. In a 2007 report, they said that measurements in an office setting showed that the electrical energies people are exposed to indoors for large periods of time escalate the risk of infection, stress, and degenerative diseases, and reduce oxygen uptake and activity levels.  “The nature of the electromagnetic environments that most humans are now regularly exposed to has changed dramatically over the past century and often bears little resemblance to those created in Nature,” they wrote. “In particular, the increased masking/shielding of individuals from beneficial types of natural electromagnetic phenomena, the presence of synthetic materials that can gain strong charge and increase exposures to inappropriate electric field levels and polarities have greatly altered the electromagnetic nature of the microenvironments many individuals usually occupy.”

By being “grounded” or “earthed” in contact with the natural frequencies, energy and supply of the earth’s anti-oxidant electrons, the body’s physiology changes instantly!!! Here are some examples:

Zeta Potential

A study was designed to measure zeta potential, a term that describes the degree of negative charge on the surface of a red blood cell.  Our blood cells operate electrically and being negatively charged enables the cells to repel each other and prevent unwanted thickening or clotting.  The stronger the negative charge, the greater the ability of the cells to repel each other and better flow resutls - the healthier you are!!!

The healthy range for the zeta potential is between –9.3 millivolts (mV) and –15 mV. In this earthing experiment, two hours of grounding improved the average zeta potential of the ten participants from a rather depressed level of –5.28 mV before Earthing to a healthy –14.26 mV afterward, a 270% increase!  The lower the blood’s zeta potential, the more sludgy and thick the blood is flowing less freely, and having a greater risk of clumping and clotting.  The blood samples were then exposed to an electric field and the red blood cells barely moved in the samples taken before being grounded.  After grounding, the blood cells moved briskly along.  This response helped to understand why we frequently see people’s skin turning pink soon after they become grounded. Here is a video:

Autonomic Nervous System

Perhaps one of the most overlooked Earthing dividends – and so beneficial in these stressful times – is the rapid calming influence that takes place within the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that regulates functions like heart and respiration rates, digestion, perspiration, urination, and even sexual arousal.

This effect may be one of the first, and possibly the first, of the major body systems that react to Earthing.  It begins pretty much instantly.  The ANS shifts from a typically overactive sympathetic mode, associated with stress, into a parasympathetic, calming mode.  The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are the two branches of the ANS.

Stress throws off the balance between the two branches.  Too much sympathetic “arousal” – from stress – leads to the well-known “fight-or-flight” mode, an alert and readiness state that humans automatically switch on when in imminent danger, like fighting in a battle. 

Revved-up sympathetic activity overwhelms the calming influence of the parasympathetic nervous system. The result, among other things, is a heightened risk of hypertension, arrhythmias, and even sudden death. One major yardstick of sympathetic overdrive is disturbance to what cardiologists call heart rate variability (HRV), a measurement of nervous system balance on heart function as well as an important indicator for both acute and chronic stress produced by mental load, anxiety, and emotional trauma. HRV refers to the beat-to-beat alterations in heart rate. People with low variability are less able to “go with the flow” when faced with stress and are more prone to stress-related disorders, including cardiovascular disease.

HRV superbly indicates your ability to cope with both internal and external changes.  It is, in fact, “the most accurate predictor of sudden death and the most accurate reflector of stress”.  “If you can alter HRV, that is, increase it, you can reduce the likelihood of stress-=related disorders, including cardiovascular disease.” – Paul Rosch, M.D., president of the American Institute of Stress in New York City.

In the HRV experiment, 28 men and women (avg. age 48) were monitored before, during, and after forty-minute grounding sessions.  When grounded, there was an instant change in HRV that kept improving all the way to the end of the session, suggesting a greater benefit with time.

For individuals who experience anxiety, emotional stress, panic, fear, and/or symptoms of involuntary muscle contractions and spasms, including headaches, cardiac palpitations, and dizziness, Earthing appears to represent a promising strategy that can be felt rapidly.

Earthing’s potential to balance the nervous system, reduce the stress response, and support cardiovascular health is evidenced.

New Hope for Diabetes

Since the mid-1900s, there has been a proliferation in increasingly unnatural lifestyle practices, including sedentary work, less active time spent outdoors, and overeating nutrient-poor processed food full of refined carbohydrates.  These are driving forces for diabetes.  But so, too, is the overlooked disconnect with the Earth.

Once main component of diabetes involves a scenario where excess fatty tissue in the abdomen produces inflammatory chemicals that suppress insulin, a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar in the cells.  The body then becomes more resistant to insulin.  This in turn produces more inflammatory chemicals and interference.  Blood sugar rises.  Add stress to the mix, and you further increase the level of inflammatory chemicals. The influx of electrons from Earthing reduces chronic inflammation.

Among other things, poorly regulated glucose causes diminished elasticity of red cells and an increased tendency to aggregate.  The result:  thicker blood, poorer blood flow.

A growing awareness exists about the blood viscosity-cardiovascular disease connection, but the link between elevated viscosity and diabetes is largely overlooked even though it has been reported in more than fifty peer-reviewed scientific publications.  Blood viscosity can be improved by eating less sugar, stepping up one’s physical activity, and treating gum disease, a factor that promotes systemic inflammation, as measured by increased C-reactive protein and fibrinogen, a sticky, fibrous coagulant in the blood that raises the risk of stroke.

A fascinating study from the University of Calcutta in the medical journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta reported for the first time on the zeta potential of red blood cells in diabetics.  The researches described a remarkable alteration, specifically a progressive deterioration of zeta potential, most pronounced among diabetics with cardiovascular disease.

“Blood becomes sludge so that it becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to pump, and the system becomes less efficient to perform the usual functions.”

A few years earlier, this same group of researchers reported that high blood sugar causes oxidative damage to red blood cells and hemoglobin.  Hemoglobin is the molecule in blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and then carries out carbon dioxide.  High blood sugar also significantly alters the electrodynamics of the cells’ outer membrane, thus increasing the potential for clumping.

The zeta-potential study offers one intriguing explanation of how individuals with diabetes may benefit from Earthing.  Zeta-potential improvement is one of the biggest effects of Earthing, and perhaps the biggest of all.


Customer Reviews

I am incredibly impressed with the knowledge, professionalism and genuine compassion that Purahome represents. Every product they sell is scientifically based and Mario will take the time to thoroughly explain and demonstrate the science behind each product. If you haven't heard of earthing please research it! While Mario was demonstrating the science behind the product I felt tingling in my arm while being grounded and decided to invest in the half sheet and patches for my lower back pain. I remember my first night sleeping grounded I woke up out of habit to readjust and find a position where my back wouldn't hurt......Only this time my back wasn't in pain! AMAZING!!! I fell in love with this product and believe in it so much that I have bought the grounding sheet for my parents, in-law's and a family member who is currently fighting cancer and they all LOVE the products . What better gift to give than the gift of health! I highly recommend visiting Purahome. They are not pushy but will share a wealth of knowledge with you to help you make informed decisions. You won't regret this!!  Janet Tykoliz


I noted the Earthing display in a recent visit to Purahome.  I quickly recalled reading about the whole premise of grounding oneself to earth a few years ago; however, being originally skeptical of the idea I never truly gave it a second thought.  As I trust and respect Mario for his integrity and knowledge, I questioned him on the basis of the whole “Earthing” concept.  As always, Mario took the time to explain in layperson’s terms his view on the theory and supported his beliefs with real world evidence. 

Being that the claims made by Mario suited my needs at that specific moment, I purchased a starter kit that very day.

To help provide a sense of my needs…I have been battling lower back pain for years.  With proper exercise, I have been relatively successful in managing my condition.  So much so that I have had the ability to cycle regularly for both health benefits and pleasure.  However, cycling can be very demanding.  As comfort and recovery time have always been an issue for me, the pain I experienced was simply an accepted part of my attempts to remain fit and enjoy the sport.

Upon first using the Earthing sheet, I began to experience tingling sensations throughout my lower legs similar to using a TENS unit.  Only a few days later, the tingling sensations began to intensify.  As I continued my exercise routine as usual, I immediately noticed that not only did I feel more energetic, but both my pain and recovery time diminished – I truly was left feeling astonished.  More specifically, the lower back pain that I regularly experienced, even without the strain of exercise, had not only reduced, but disappeared entirely.  Over time, the tingling sensation from using the Earthing sheet has stopped, but the benefits have continued.  From doing my own research, my belief is that the benefits I am experiencing are a direct result of the reduction in inflammation – which Mario originally stated was Earthing’s main benefit. 

Upon personally realizing these extraordinary results, I immediately purchased an Earthing patch kit for my Mother.  For a number of months, my Mother (a 75 year old woman) was dealing with her own lower back pain; in addition to her back, she had been feeling considerable discomfort in her left knee for some time.  After attempting to improve her condition with regular physio treatments, though mobility did improve, unfortunately her discomfort did not.  Remarkably, only after a couple of days of Earthing use, she began feeling a slight improvement in both pain levels, and overall energy levels.  I continued to monitor her use and general wellbeing over a three week period.  I was very pleased to witness a great improvement in my Mom’s condition.  My greatest surprise was not only her reduction in pain, but how she always claimed too feel more energetic – hearing this from a 75 year old was amazing.

Simply put, I am very grateful that Mario and his Purahome team have assisted me over the years with my family’s air, and water purification needs…however, I now feel incredibly indebted to Purahome for providing the opportunity and helping me experience the extraordinary benefits of Earthing firsthand.  I look forward to living a continued “grounded” life for better health!    Rob S


I can’t believe how I feel, I feel way better! I no longer get dizzy when I bend over. My knee pain is gone, the inflammation and bloated knee is gone! I’ve had the knee problem as long as I can remember!    Mrs. Pirillo


As a cancer survivor, within 30 minutes of Earthing, my face turned blush red, and both myself and my husband slept way better that very first night.  The very next day of earthing, the neuropathy (lack of circulation) in my feet and hands was 95% better!  Kate M


I have to tell you that the first night we used the earthing throw on the bed (while we were waiting for the sheet to come in), both of us said it was the best night's sleep we have ever had!  When we started with the other items (body band, universal mat), I was in a lot of pain.  I have something called 'trigeminal neuralgia' which is episodic, and I happened to be in a major flare that week.  So, I used the earthing products almost continually for a few days.  It helped ease the pain, I must say.  And, I do believe it has been very helpful in reducing my fibromyalgia pain too! I have been posting about earthing on Facebook, and sharing the Purahome Facebook links on my page.  I have also lent the book out to others, and have been spreading the word. Thanks so much for checking in on us!  Brenda S


As a cancer survivor, I have changed my diet, my cleaning products and increased regular exercise. I developed a team that included a nutritionist, Iridologist and an RPN for hormone balancing. All roads lead to cleaner water so I invested in a water system at Purahome. It is amazing. It filters out everything and you can no longer smell chlorine (nor do you drink it). I am very pleased. Upon returning to Purahome for a new filter, I discovered Earthing. Wow best gift you can give yourself and your spouse. We have had the best sleep and we no longer snore! The circulation has improved in my left leg. I can only say WOW. Thank you Purahome for being a big part of my self improvement team!  Brenda N

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    I was in a very serious MVA (motor vehicle accident) fifteen years ago and have had ongoing health issues and chronic injuries since then. I’ve tried everything – nutritional supplements, chiropractic treatments, naturopathic care, physiotherapy, pilates – and they would work for a while and then the pain and fatigue would return. My naturopathic doctor gave me the Earthing Book to read about a year ago and I decided that I didn’t have anything to lose by trying it. It sounded pretty far out there but I remembered how wonderful it used to feel lying on the grass in the summer when I was a kid. I took a leap of faith and ordered a Starter Kit and also the body bands.
    Wow!!! I was not prepared for what would happen.
    Earthing is a powerful detoxifier and I started off by using it too much at first. I had a detox reaction and felt sore and tired for several days until I realized what the Earthing was doing. Instead of just quitting, I cut back on how much time I was Earthing each day by using the smallest body band for about 30 minutes each day, gradually building up my time every week, until I could start wearing it when I was sleeping. I don’t think the average person would have that reaction, but because I had been ill for a very long time, I think that is why my body reacted the way it did.
    I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea several years ago and fitted with a CPAP machine. I stopped using it after several months because the noise and the breathing hose would wake me up every time I rolled over. Then I tried Melatonin. That didn’t work either. The first thing I noticed when I began using the small body band all night was how soundly I slept. I had not slept that well in years. I would wake up during the night and then could not get back to sleep. Now I sleep six to eight hours without waking. And dreams – oh my gosh! I have vivid dreams most nights when I am Earthing, which means that I am getting a deep, restful sleep now every night. I have even slept through the alarm clock in the morning a few times, I have been sleeping so soundly.
    I have had a problem with chronic inflammation, fluid retention, and weight gain since the MVA. It is hard to exercise when you are tired and in constant pain. When I started wearing the body band all night, I noticed that I started to lose weight and fluid. My diet didn’t change; my level of activity didn’t change; the only thing I was doing differently was the Earthing.
    Over the course of a year I started using the larger size body bands when sleeping, graduated to using two body bands when sleeping, and now sleep with the half-sheet and one body band. I rotate the bands depending on where my pain is localized. One of my knees was injured in the MVA and would cause constant pain when I walked. Walking up and down stairs, or walking any distance, would cause fluid to build up in my knee and it would be huge by the end of the day. In an attempt to avoid having surgery on my knee, I started using the body band on that knee every night. I started waking up in the morning with less pain and no fluid. I was able to walk up and down flights of stairs without holding onto the hand-rail and taking the steps one at a time. My knee is far from healed, but it is much better than it was a year ago. I now have more mobility and less pain every day.
    Now, when I “plug myself in” for the night, I can feel the Earthing taking effect. I get this tingly feeling throughout my body, which I have come to realize is the Earthing at work. By morning, I am very tingly. Initially, the tingly feeling was a bit overwhelming, but I have gradually become accustomed to it and now quite enjoy the feeling. One night I woke up during the night and wondered what was wrong because I wasn’t sleeping well and I wasn’t feeling tingly. Eventually, I did fall back to sleep. In the morning, I realized, that my Earthing plug had come out of the wall receptacle and I wasn’t “plugged in”. Now, I check that it is plugged in before I get into bed.
    Going to bed at night has, once again, become an enjoyable experience. I have a restful nights sleep, I have little to no pain when I am Earthing, and I wake refreshed and with more energy. I am getting through every day without a nap and getting much more done than before I started Earthing. Lately, I have noticed that my skin is looking younger and healthier than it used to. Before it looked dry and wrinkled (like a ninety year old person!). Now it is smoother and healthier looking.
    It has taken fifteen years for my body to deteriorate to the state it reached when I started Earthing. However, I am confident that with continued use of my Earthing products, that my body will continue to heal itself a little bit every night. And the nice thing is that it is healing when I am sleeping and I don’t have to do a thing.
    Who would have ever thought that something so simple and so easy could be so effective. I am very grateful to my naturopathic doctor for suggesting that I try this. I am also grateful to Clint Ober who discovered this and had the courage of his convictions to pursue his investigation of this Earthing phenomenon and make it available to the world.

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  2. Rating
    My Mom has been Earthing for about one year now. She uses the body bands or the half-sheet every night. I have noticed that she has more energy and gets more things done around the house. Before she was tired all the time and did not get very much done.

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  3. Rating
    I gave one of the body band / wrist straps to a client…she walked..stood on her feet 12 hours a day …feet hurt 24/7…sometimes had trouble sleeping as her feet hurt at night. Gave patch…client wore it first night…great pain relief..woke up next morning no pain..after 3 nights of use all of her pain in her feet were gone…all day long while at work
    Amazing results…great product for anyone..young or old who has foot / pain issues..

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